Friday, October 12, 2007

A Few Lessons Learned on the Journey

Here are a few lessons I have learned since following the Lord.

1. He will not give up on me.
2. He is faithful even when I'm not
3. His love is unconditional
4. Don't ever say you won't do something b/c chances are, that's what God will want you to do.
5. If you don't want to hear an answer that's different from the answer you want, don't ask God. (although I highly discourage you from this.)
6. God's will isn't always easy, comfortable or fun.
7. He demands my whole heart. (notice the word demands)
8. The Christian life is not about me, it's about God and His Kingdom.
9. Nothing in life can compare to the worth of knowing Him.
10. He really does speak to me. His sheep really do "know His voice."
11. He's a really cool father and friend to have. He's pretty 'hip'
12. He completely satisfies every need I have.
13. He knows what's best for me.
14. He gives me strength when I am weary and weak
15. He is most glorified in me when I am most satisfied in Him.

And these are just a few things I've learned thus far with a lot more lessons to learn. If God has taught you any lessons along the way, please share them with us. Your lesson could be something God wants to show others but you must tell it!! I stand amazed at who He is. Being football season, I started thinking of God in football terms. For example, He's my quarterback- he calls all the plays. He's my center- he "snaps the ball at the right time." He's the cheerleader (the male ones) He cheers me on in this game of life. He's the referee- He lets me know when I've messed up. He's the offensive line- He helps me score the touchdown. And He's on the defensive line - He blocks the enemy so I can win the game. Which is exactly why He told Moses I AM!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I first started hearing God's voice, I was amazed. I was going through a bad time and didn't understand why certain things were happening. God revealed to me why they were happening. The reasons he gave to me had not entered my mind, but I knew he was right. It helped me get through my bad time. One thing I have learned is that God will reveal to you what you need to know to help you get through difficult times. He will give you understanding and reasoning that will give you peace. God wants us to be at peace. I went through a difficult time with one of my sons. I prayed every night for God to surround him with angels and protect him. One Sunday while I was in church, I prayed my usual prayer for God to protect him by surrounding him with angels. God gave me a vision of himself sitting on a beautiful white horse above my son. He wanted to give me peace and let me know that "He" was watching over my son; not just his angels. It gave me such peace. After that vision, I knew then God would take care of him and he has. I didn't worry anymore after that. My son is now on the right track of getting his life straightened out. I owe the glory all to God. I know God will continue to work with him and it gives me great peace and comfort. Another thing I have learned is that no matter how bad things look, God can take care of it. We just have to realize that we can't do anything without God and that God can do all things if we just ask and TRUST. I learned that God sees things we don't see. He knows how to take care of everything in our lives that is causing us not to have peace. God is truly awesome. Having God as a best friend is one of the most rewarding things anyone can have in their lives. I've learned that I wouldn't want to go one day without God in my life and that even though I lack perfection, he loves me anyway. God is truly amazing!