Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Glowing in the Dark

"When Moses came down from Mt. Sinai with the two tablets of the Testimony in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the LORD. " Ex. 34:29

As I read this verse, I began to think about things that glow in the dark. Toys, pencils, stickers, t shirts, etc. And it hit me that in order for these things to glow, they must come into contact with light. And how do we know that they have come into contact with the light? Because they glow. No light, no glow!! And the closer you put the object to the light, the brighter it's gonna shine. WOW!! I think you probably see where I am going with this now.

As Christians, we have the ability and the command to glow in the dark. But ya'll unless we come into contact with THE Light, we won't. Jesus says that He is the light of the world. Jesus Himself has to shine through us for others to see. But if we never sit at His feet and learn of Him, if we never go into His presence in worship, if we never talk to Him in prayer, we won't shine. We were created for the glory of God. To let His radiance shine through our life. He didn't come and die just so we could live forever. He wants us to glorify Him. To "glow in the dark" for Him so that others will come to the Light. We can say that we love Him and serve Him. We can say that He is our everything. But when others look at us, do they see radiance because we live in Christ and His words abide in us? Let God search your heart right now and tell you if you glow when you step out into the darkness of the world around you. Does your face shine where other people can look at you and tell that you've been in the presence of the Living God? Sit at His feet until you leave glowing with the radiance of His Person!!


jennyhope said...

so true!

Anonymous said...

Natalie, you have an awesome and powerful anointing!!! One thing I sense when reading your blogs is "sweet conviction". It is amazing to me how the same word of the Lord can minister to people in so many different ways and exactly where they are in their lives.

God be praised,

Anonymous said...

Love this one! This is totally my heart. I want to glow in the darkness!