Friday, October 19, 2007

My Favorite Sound

I can't believe the sound I have been listening to all day. It's a sound I don't hear often or nearly enough. A sound I can't wait to hear everyday but rarely do. It's the sound I long for and have been for the past 11 years.


The kids were at school (well three of them) and my neighbor has had Katherine with her all day. Now that they are at home, the three younger ones are at my neighbors house and my oldest one is at a friends down the street. I can't believe how quiet it is right now. It just occurred to me that I can actually hear myself typing on the keyboard. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! But I'm sure this treat won't last long.

I know that once they are grown and gone, it will be reversed. I know I will miss all the noises they seem to create (which are many) but for now, I'll enjoy the silence.

I knew it wouldn't last long. Elizabeth just came in and the phone started ringing and my neighbor called to tell me that Katherine is being hard headed. So now, I have to go get her. But thank you Lord for refreshing me for those few moments.

1 comment:

jennyhope said...

hey girl! I had no clue that you had 4 kids. I so would love to have more but it is so difficult that I just give Him the praise for Morgan and of course Shelby who is with Jesus. Anyway, I wanted to respond to you earlier and the day blew up and then I had to go to work. As far as ministry stuff...such a long story but I am really just waiting on God right now with all of that. I know He has put the desire in my heart to teach the word because of all I have been thru in my life I know how important it is if people can Know God for themselves and not feel like an idiot trying to do a bible study. His word has meant everything to me. I can't even imagine where I would be right now apart from Him...but basically I have a long story about how the Lord had put this desire on my heart. I will try to type it in an email so I am not typing up all of your blog space...LOL! The Lord has been teaching me so much and getting me to a place of just "whatever" and surrender. Whatever He wants and not my agenda. It has been humbling. I like your blog I am about to read it some more. Thank you for your encouragement today! I know the Lord is using you to minister to women even now which is your desire. :) I will email you with what you were talking about. my email is oh and I am so tired so I hope this makes one bit of sense :).