Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Who Am I Casting Crowns

Wow!!! Simply amazing. Get out your tissue, you are bound to cry!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

LPL Providence RI

If you haven't had the privilege of doing a Beth Moore bible study, I highly recommend her. Notice the little girl at the end of the video in the braided pigtails and scarf in her hair. I could kiss her little face!! How precious. Also, listen to the song and worship your God.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

I'm In Love with God

I just want to share my heart right now. Church this morning was wonderful and I experienced God in such a unique way. I felt His presence all over me and there is nothing in this world that could ever compare to that. I've had both. And I can tell you with assurance that nothing is more valuable than Him. Nothing brings me greater satisfaction than Him. I love Him with all of my heart and I want NOTHING to stand in the way of my relationship with Him. I want to be sold out to Him completely. I want every fiber in my being to belong to Him. I want His light to fill all the dark corners of my life. I want to shine as bright as the noonday sun. But not for me, It's all for Him. He is all that matters in my life. He is my everything.

The pastor charged us to be able to stand before God one day as an approved worker. I want to hear the words, well done, thy good and faithful servant. On that day, nothing else I had or did for my own pleasure will ever matter. The clothes, the shoes, the decorations; they are all nothing and they will all be gone when we stand before our God. If we really think about that I think the way we live and the things we spend our money on will change. We came with nothing and we leave with nothing. I want to live my life for things that matter eternally. I am a child of The Most High, God Almighty, the Ruler of this universe and He is on my side. That is where I get my identity from. Not from my possessions or even my relationships. My mind has been made up. I am His and His alone. I will talk about Him, I will learn from Him and my prayer is that my life will glorify him. He is the true treasure we should search for. The treasure that is more precious than silver, more beautiful than gold and more costly than diamonds. I'm done with the casual christianity. I Belong To God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Family Picnic

Elizabeth had her first kindergarten picnic today on the front lawn of the school. It was so much fun but let me tell you that it was hoooooooooooooooot!!! I felt sweat dripping down my back. Katherine kept telling me, " you wet." Uh, ya think?!!? it was only 100 degrees outside. Taking a shower before the picnic was such a waste of time!! Complaining aside, I had fun with my babies and created a memory for us all!! Here are some pics to enjoy.

Elizabeth and her BF Emily

E's class making funny faces. Her teacher is second to left on the top row!!

Class of 2020 ( I think)

Me, Elizabeth, and Kass. Wonder which one was being stubborn?

Don't Give Up On Me

These are the words to my new favorite song. It's on Billy Ray Cyrus' new CD called Home At Last. I'm not sure if it is original or if it is a remake.

Don't Give Up On Me
I fall down, I get up, Just a man, flesh and blood. So I pray, constantly, don't give up on me.

I am weak, you are strong, I need your love, to carry on, Keep the faith, hear my plea, don't give up on me.

I'm just a child there's so much I don't know. I'm doing my best to learn as I go. But I'm not afraid just as long as your holding my hand.

Don't know what, you love me for, you deserve, so much more, I would die if you set me free, don't give up on me.

When my best, ain't enough, when my strength, won't hold up, when I'm less than what I can be, don't give up on me.

I'm just a child theres so much I don't know, I'm doing my best to learn as I go, But I'm not afraid just as long as your holding my hand.

Keep the faith, hear my plea, don't give up one me.

This is the song I've been singing for the past few years. Of course in my own way, but portrays exactly how I feel. I have been crying out with the psalmist in 119:8 when he says, "I will obey your commands, please don't give up on me." NLT

Thursday, August 23, 2007

New Chapter

Well, Blake started his job in Savannah on Monday which is the introduction to a new chapter in our lives. Just last night we were talking about how things change so much throughout our lifetime. We are rarely in one place and sometimes it's two or three before you finally settle into a place to call home. Our first adventure was spending a year in Pensacola. We never really felt at home there b/c we knew we would be leaving after a year. We moved to Savannah and we were there 7 years. Once again, we packed our bags and headed to Birmingham where I thought it was for good. I thought this was the place my kids would call home forever. As a matter of fact, when the opportunity came to go back to Savannah I told Blake I wouldn't go for 500,000 dollars a year.

However, after many many prayers a lot of thought, and a lot of talking, I realized God had different plans. Let me pause here to tell you not to ever say you won't do something because that will more than likely be the very thing you will do. God has shown me this more than once and the last being that I am moving back to Savannah and let me add that it is for wayyyyyyyyyyyy less than 500,000 per year. Savannah isn't my top pick for places to live but the joy I have in knowing that I am doing God's will is more satisfying than getting everything I've ever wanted. He has a plan for my family in Savannah and I am so excited to begin the journey with them and Him. He is so good and I know that He would never ask me to do something that won't end up bringing me eternal satisfaction. So when you feel like He is leading you, go. God goes way beyond what we want and looks at what will bring us greatest eternal joy and Him the most glory. Sometimes God asks us to do things that at the time seems unfair or hard or unappealing, but He knows that our joy is set before us. And when we follow Him, He will reveal Himself to us in new ways. If Abraham hadn't obeyed God and taken Isaac to sacrifice Him, He wouldn't have known Him as provider!!!!!!!!! So, take up your cross and maybe your belongings or your job or your will, and let Him lead you into your promised land.

God Bless the USA

Just thought this was a great picture to go with my previous blog entry.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I don't even know what to call this blog. I guess there are really no words to describe the anger I was feeling today and have been feeling the past couple of days. It started when I was watching a cbs special on a group of mormons that still practice polygamy and how they could be arrested for having more than one wife. Then a couple of days later I was watching espn and how Michael Vicks is facing jail time for funding dog fighting. Don't get me wrong, these things are wrong and I don't believe in them, but here is what angers me. We are living in a wicked generation when we, as a government, say that it is a felony to fight dogs and be married to more than one person, but every woman has the right to kill her unborn child. Give me a break. That is so so backwards. So upside down. I don't even see how someone could make that "make sense" in their minds, and it angers me. We say it's wrong and should be punished to kill a bald eagle, but yet we say "it's o.k. to kill the child growing inside of you." That is so messed up and I believe that we as Christians should begin to take a stand for what is truly right. We need to put on our armour and stand up and fight for our God. It's time to get up and be counted.

It's time to get serious about God and advancing His kingdom. There is so much casual christianity these days that the "church" is losing it's power. I want the power that God offers and I want to be a voice crying out "prepare the way for the Lord." Because my friends, He's coming and I believe it's soon. The Bible says that our eyes are the lamp of the body. If you are looking at darkness, you will be filled with darkness, but if you are looking at light then you are filled with light. Luke tells us to make sure there are no "dark corners" in our life. I love that. What is lurking in the corners of your life. If there are spider webs, we need to sweep them out. If there is darkness, we need to let the Light shine on them.

God, let my light shine brightly for you and your glory. As bright as the noonday sun. Please begin to sweep out the dark corners and begin to brighten them up with your love and mercy and power. I want you to do great things through me to change this world we are living in. I love America and wouldn't want to be anywhere else, but I hate the moral decline of our nation. Revive us, O God and may we stand up as Mighty Warriors for you. May we say, "put me on the front line, because you are worth my very life if that's what you call from me." May our hearts be pure and our lives be Holy just as you are Holy. You are God and there is no other. Pour out your spirit on all peoples and bring a great revival throughout this land. And then let us be ready as the trumpet is being prepared to blow and we see our Lord and Saviour, our precious Jesus Christ coming down in all His Glory as King of all nations. We are your people and you are our God. Rain on us Holy Spirit, rain on us!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

First day of School

It's the most wonderful time of the year!!!!!!!!!!! :)

I cannot believe that it is the first day of school already. We got our kids off without much hassle this morning. Just me going SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH all morning so they wouldn't wake Katherine up.

I am now down to one baby at home with me. Elizabeth started kindergarten today. I can't believe that she is already in school. She has been so excited and counting down the days. She woke up with all smiles as they all did. Anna Blake was excited but nervous. She had butterflies in her stomach which reminded me of myself every year on the first day of school. I told her I always felt that way but the second day would be better. And Davis......... Of course he wasn't nervous. Not Davis!! Just calm, cool and collected!! And let me stress COOL!! Strutting his stuff b/c he was the only one "not nervous" about the first day!!! YEAH RIGHT He did get up without giving me any trouble. Blake took them this morning and I will be picking them up this afternoon. Tomorrow afternoon they will be riding the bus home (b/c they want to) which will be Elizabeth's first bus ride ever!! Well, better go get my reading time in before the Katherine wakes up!! Here are some first day pics to enjoy.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Working Through Me

As I was sitting and praying this morning I began to ask God to grant me my hearts desires. My prayer was, " God, I have a desire to do great things for you." Very quickly God responded with these words, " You don't do great things for me, I do great things THROUGH you." I stopped in awe and wonder and I began to ponder those words not because I didn't believe Him, but because I wanted them to sink deep within my heart. It definitely changed the way my prayer went. I have always gone about praying that God would allow me to do great things for him, but now my prayer will be," Lord, here I am, do great things through me."

We don't work for God. He works through us. And He will use anyone who is willing to be used. Let's cry out with Isaiah and say, "Here I am, send me."

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Psalm 101 Pledge

I will sing of your love and justice, Lord
I will praise you with songs.
I will be careful to live a blameless life
when will you come to help me?
I will lead a life of integrity in my own home
I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar.
I hate all who deal crookedly;
I will have nothing to do with them.
I will reject perverse ideas
and stay away from every evil.
I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbors.
I will not endure conceit and pride.

I will search for faithful people to be my companions.
Only those who are above reproach will be allowed to serve me.
I will not allow deceivers to serve in my house
and liars will not stay in my presence.
My daily task will be to ferret out the wicked(the enemies of God) and free the city
of the Lord from their grip.

Psalm of David

I came across this chapter in Psalms during my bible reading the other morning and have began praying it at the end of my devotion time. I thought it was great and I plan to continue to do this on a daily basis and also turn it into a prayer for my children. I encourage you to do the same as we grow hungry for more of Jesus.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Sunday School

I had the privilege of teaching the Sunday School class again today for the third time. I always feel such a rush when I am done. It is so satisfying to do what God has called me to do, BUT I can't seem to get my nerves under control before I get started. I always pray before I get up there (even days before) but I am still so very nervous. I finally start to feel relaxed about ten minutes into the lesson and it seems to start going a lot smoother. Since this is what God has called me to do, I sure hope it gets better. It always seems to help me too when I tell the class how nervous I am. Strange isn't it.

Anyways, we showed the house for the first time today and the fella seemed to really like it. But I know from past experience not to get my hopes up. Plus, I am going to be so sad to leave that I'm not even sure I am ready for it to sell yet. No matter what, tho, I completely trust God to sell it in His timing. Well, my little Katherine just came in so my time of writing is over. Hope everyone has a great day.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Nice Day

It has been a really nice day today. Not weather wise, it is waaaaaaaaay tooooooooo hot. But my kids have been at my neighbors all day long. It has been so peaceful and quiet, something I haven't experienced in,um, about 10 1/2 years. No, I have had some quiet days but it has been a while. It is making me even more anxious for school to start. Just one more week and I'll just have one at home. I do have to say that I am so thankful God has not called me to homeschool anymore. We have been learning in SS that God is most glorified when we are most satisfied and I can tell you right now that I am NOT most satisfied homeschooling them. I'd better hush my typing because God seems to always call me to do what I say I will never do. So the lesson for today is, never say you won't do something. I mean, maybe even try a little reverse psychology on God!! LOL JK No don't do that I'm pretty sure He'll catch on and beat you at your own game.

Hope you all have a peaceful and quiet day. And by the way, I wouldn't be caught DEAD in a bikini!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1