Sunday, August 5, 2007

Sunday School

I had the privilege of teaching the Sunday School class again today for the third time. I always feel such a rush when I am done. It is so satisfying to do what God has called me to do, BUT I can't seem to get my nerves under control before I get started. I always pray before I get up there (even days before) but I am still so very nervous. I finally start to feel relaxed about ten minutes into the lesson and it seems to start going a lot smoother. Since this is what God has called me to do, I sure hope it gets better. It always seems to help me too when I tell the class how nervous I am. Strange isn't it.

Anyways, we showed the house for the first time today and the fella seemed to really like it. But I know from past experience not to get my hopes up. Plus, I am going to be so sad to leave that I'm not even sure I am ready for it to sell yet. No matter what, tho, I completely trust God to sell it in His timing. Well, my little Katherine just came in so my time of writing is over. Hope everyone has a great day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quit being nervous and don't tell!! You're wasting all that energy!
I'm glad you were able to teach again...doing what you love and loving what you do!