Sunday, August 26, 2007

I'm In Love with God

I just want to share my heart right now. Church this morning was wonderful and I experienced God in such a unique way. I felt His presence all over me and there is nothing in this world that could ever compare to that. I've had both. And I can tell you with assurance that nothing is more valuable than Him. Nothing brings me greater satisfaction than Him. I love Him with all of my heart and I want NOTHING to stand in the way of my relationship with Him. I want to be sold out to Him completely. I want every fiber in my being to belong to Him. I want His light to fill all the dark corners of my life. I want to shine as bright as the noonday sun. But not for me, It's all for Him. He is all that matters in my life. He is my everything.

The pastor charged us to be able to stand before God one day as an approved worker. I want to hear the words, well done, thy good and faithful servant. On that day, nothing else I had or did for my own pleasure will ever matter. The clothes, the shoes, the decorations; they are all nothing and they will all be gone when we stand before our God. If we really think about that I think the way we live and the things we spend our money on will change. We came with nothing and we leave with nothing. I want to live my life for things that matter eternally. I am a child of The Most High, God Almighty, the Ruler of this universe and He is on my side. That is where I get my identity from. Not from my possessions or even my relationships. My mind has been made up. I am His and His alone. I will talk about Him, I will learn from Him and my prayer is that my life will glorify him. He is the true treasure we should search for. The treasure that is more precious than silver, more beautiful than gold and more costly than diamonds. I'm done with the casual christianity. I Belong To God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

This is good, Nat. Amen!

GratefulBambina said...

i second the Amen.... this is so incredibly powerful. will you give me permission to print it out and read it to a few friends of mine?

maria cris

Natalie said...

Of course i give you permission to print anything from my blog you would like. I would be honored knowing that the LORD would use me to bring glory to His Name!!! Thank you for your encouragement. To God be ALL the Glory!!
Natalie Hare