Friday, July 20, 2007

Calling the Stars

I was reading in Isaiah the other day and came across a verse that really made me marvel at the greatness of God. Chapter 40 verse 26 says:

" Look up and see: (the stars) who created these? He brings out the starry host by number; He calls all of them BY NAME. Because of His great power and strength, not one of them is missing." WOW When I read that all I could do was sit in wonder. If His stars are so precious in His sight that He calls them out by name to make sure that none are lost, How do you think He watches and responds to His own children? Just as the New Testament says, If one of His children wander away, He goes Himself to find them and carry them home. He makes sure that none of us are missing. Go out tonight and look up at the stars. And when you do, remember He calls them out by name to make sure none are lost. Marvel at His greatness. A greatness we can never even begin to understand. And then remember that the same One who created and loves these stars, loves you more!!! There is NOTHING on this earth that can satisfy you more than He can.

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