Thursday, July 26, 2007

Casual Christianity

As I was doing my Bible study yesterday morning God spoke to my heart saying that it was time for "casual Christianity" to end. It is time for us to cry out for God to set our hearts ablaze with the FIRE of His Holy Spirit. So many of us cry out to God for our nation and the things we see around us, yet our hearts seem so so far from the words we speak on our lips. There are way too many christians today who are too friendly with the world. We say we love God, but our actions show that we love the world more. We want to see God move in mighty ways, yet we sit back in our casual state as we wait for God to move before we move. Where is the discipline and passion of God's people?

Do we really understand the life we could have if we are Sold Out to God. Do we really understand if we get on our faces and tear our hearts out before the Lord instead of having a WWJD bumper sticker on our car that we would be so much more satisfied? Joel 2:13 says, "Don't tear your clothing in grief; instead, tear your hearts." That's what God wants. Our hearts, not our service. It's time to see the world for what it is and to see God for who He is. And when we do, we will see that there is no comparison to be made. So many people play the part on the outside, but their hearts are far form Him.

Until GOD'S PEOPLE get serious, and I mean really serious about Him I don't think our nation will see revival. I believe God showed me that two revivals need to take place. First, revival of the saints and then revival in our nation.


Anonymous said...

Nat, this is so anointed! I sit here with tears brimming my eyes knowing that every word you have spoken is true...and how blessed I am to have you for a daughter.
There may be some preacher and prophet in you, too! Don't limit God!!!

GratefulBambina said...

I have just read this (came here by way of the LPM Blog!) and it just hit home SOOO much.... you've hit it RIGHT on the nail SOOO neatly and powerfully. thank you. God has blessed you with a mighty gift, my dear!

in thankfulness,
maria cristina