Monday, July 9, 2007

Freaked out

My heart is racing right now. I am completely freaked out. I'm sitting at my computer trying to print a sale brochure for my house when i feel something crawling on me. I look down and see only the corner of my paper and felt somewhat relieved until I spotted the huge nasty brown roach on my arm. No kidding, it was two inches long. Atleast. I screamed to the top of my lungs just b/c it made me feel better. Not really b/c it helped me out in anyway. I can tell you that the poor roach was a quick goner. He didn't have time to feel a thing. Now I'm freaked about sitting in my computer seat. Oh, I had to thump the leg out of my chair. Can you say gross!!! Anyways, I'm still wondering why God made such a nasty little critter. If anyone knows, please fill me in. Otherwise, they will still be at the top of my "bugs I hate the most" list!!!


Stephanie said...

Ewwwwwwwwwwww, gross!

Anonymous said...

It could have been worse...could have been a rat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!